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TCS Starquest Expedition [USA]

Image hébergée par servimg.com

Member of the giant group, TUI Travel Group, this airline operates at least two flights a year to Rwanda.

Founded in 1991, TCS Expeditions was the first private jet expedition company to travel the world. In 2003, the same team formed Starquest Expeditions to further develop premium travel with an educational focus.


The companies merged to become TCS and Starquest Expeditions when they were acquired by one of the world’s largest and most successful travel companies. To date, we have operated over 200 expeditions to more than 150 destinations, making us the world leader in private jet travel.http://www.tcsandstarquestexpeditions.com/

TCS & Starquest Expeditions ( UK ) will operate a special flight to Rwanda, for the fourth year in row

TCS & Starquest Expeditions ( UK ) to provide a special flight to Rwanda, for the third year in row


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